Paddle in Seattle - peaceful protest against oil drilling by Shell in Arctic

May 17, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I want to add my modest contribution to visual coverage of ShellNo Paddle in Seattle - peaceful demonstration of disapproval. It is time to invest resources into alternative energy research and lessen our dependency on oil.

I used tiny waterproof Nikon Coolpix AW130 camera for both stills and video. 

Link to the short film at the end of this post.

ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic

Polar Pioneer at the Terminal 5 at Port of Seattle ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic

Taking interviews on the water is pretty challenging. Andrew Elizaga and Rob West. ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic

We got surprisingly close to the rig. It is enormous! ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic

There were several tribal canoes at the mouth of Duwamish River. ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15ShellNo Paddle in Seattle 05-16-15Kayaktivists unite for the clean future and against oil drilling in Arctic

  watch the short film - Meet the Kayaktivists


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